"It's the appearance that we run from, not the thing itself." — Eric Gugua
"Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22)
There's nothing fundamentally sinful or evil about anything. However, over time, based on certain factors, it can lead to evil.
I stumbled upon a really insightful video on YouTube today, and it gave me an idea about why people ask questions. It's crazy, but if you notice, whenever we ask what is right or wrong, we simply want to know how much further we can go. This in itself is religious and wrong.
A question like "Is this a bad thing?" is religious because you want a simple "Yes or No" answer. That answer will either justify what you were asking about or make you hold tight to a doctrine. I can't give you a yes or no answer because it doesn’t always apply. That’s why there is a grey side to black and white, or the edge of a coin.
All things being equal, nothing is bad or wrong. But how often are things equal?
We were taught in physics that in the absence of air resistance, a feather and a stone will land at the same time when dropped from the same height. Have you ever experienced the absence of air before?
Of course not. There is always going to be air resistance, ensuring the imbalance of life and causing the stone to land first before the feather. In the same way, there are factors that ensure things must go wrong. That is why resisting evil becomes a hassle, and we are simply advised to flee.
Lee always says that stupidity starts with overestimating your capacity, and I totally agree. You don't have to put your hand in fire and get burnt before you flee from it. Just from the appearance of something that seems like fire, you should take heed.
"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." (Proverbs 22:3)
Dearest reader, at the end of the day, it's not about what is right or wrong, or what is evil or good, but where it will lead based on several factors acting on it. To what end does this go?
Know yourself. Know what you can and cannot handle. Flee from what you know, in the long run, will either lead to evil or will not be good for you.
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