Yesss! You, do you fancy you?
I've talked about this a couple of times, and I still will every chance I get.
So, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and I asked him to name one thing he loves about himself, something he fancies about himself. Lo and behold, oga didn't have one.
I was amazed that such a phenomenal mind didn’t have anything he admired about himself. I had to give him my view of him.
I listed impressive things about him, qualities he didn’t even recognize as unique and great or probably sees as ordinary, normal, regular...
Now, it’s not that he’s oblivious to these qualities. However, over the years, he has become so flaw-conscious that all he sees when he looks at himself are imperfections.
Remember the Bible story of the man who was blind from birth, whom Jesus healed, comes to mind. At first, he saw men like trees walking, and only after Jesus touched his eyes again did he see clearly. His vision was inferior at first, not necessarily because he had seen trees before or Jesus hadn't done a great job, but because his perception was still limited.
It's like stepping into a huge mansion after living your whole life in a village, everything would feel so unreal, abi? And it wasn’t until Jesus touched his eyes again (resetting his mindset) that he was able to see well.
Just like that blind man who saw men like trees, we often see others as high and mighty, great and better, while seeing ourselves as insignificant.
For the 101st time, learn to look at yourself and see awesomeness. Speak of how unique and authentic you are. Love starts with you, and I’ve learned that nobody can ever love you enough if you don’t love you.
Dearest reader, the point is simple:
1. Being you is the best thing ever! Intentionally learn to see and acknowledge your uniqueness.
2. Seeing everyone else through a superior lens while viewing yourself through an inferior one is unhealthy. Yes, people are great, but have you met you? For real, forget who you are sef, do you know whose you are? Imagine divinity walking the earth like everyone else and not knowing it. Chai
3. Fancy you, guy!!
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