Lady Ava has this crazy habit. She is incredibly selective about making friends. She would say, “I’m the average of the five people closest to me, so why stick around fools?”
At first, it seemed like pride, but over time, I finally understood her reasoning. She was not just being exclusive for no reason. If you were her friend, there was something uniquely special about you, something she admired and wanted to absorb.
Back then, it often felt like she did not really like us. We assumed she was simply fascinated by the unique gifts each of us possessed. But just like magic, we all rubbed off on her, and she became a blend of the best parts of each of us.
To explain, our friend group had five girls. A physics genius, a biology expert, a chemistry whiz, and Ava, a mathematician. Through association, she absorbed so much from us that she eventually became exceptional in all five subjects, something she once struggled with.
This taught me a profound lesson. The influence of our associations is subtle yet massive. It may sound trivial, but when choosing the people you want to do life with, be intentional. Not everyone should have access to your space because, over time, they shape your choices, mindset, and growth.
Dearest reader, be intentional about the people you let in. As Ava puts it, “Have standards.” Create a metric for granting people access to your life.
Remember, quality relationships are rarely accidental. They are formed by choice. And choice requires intention.
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