Proverbs 4:18 CEV

[18] The lifestyle of good people is like sunlight at dawn that keeps getting brighter until broad daylight.
It's not enough to confess that you're good, does your lifestyle support and confirms that confession? 

From the above Proverb we can see that "good people" have a lifestyle, one that sponsors goodness. Like my coach would say, 'everything has a lifestyle'. Now, the lifestyle of whatsoever thing determines the borders of what it can do, and experience. 

I believe king Solomon here was trying to pass across a point, which is, because of the lifestyle of good people, they experience goodness. Therefore, if we desire goodness, we ought to life the lifestyle of good people and in extension we enjoy the reward. 

Dearest reader, what does you current lifestyle sponsor? With your current lifestyle, are you able to get the life you desire? 

At the higher echelon of life, it's not about what you can do, but what your lifestyle (habitual way of living) sponsors and support. 

Whatever result that's desired has a specific lifestyle, and within the borders of this lifestyle it's attainable, whereas outside the borders of this lifestyle it is not. 

PS: Another tuesday to remind you of the boundless insight you're missing, for not being a part of my daily Proverbs group 🌚




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