

Lady Ava has this crazy habit. She is incredibly selective about making friends. She would say, “I’m the average of the five people closest to me, so why stick around fools?” At first, it seemed like pride, but over time, I finally understood her reasoning. She was not just being exclusive for no reason. If you were her friend, there was something uniquely special about you, something she admired and wanted to absorb. Back then, it often felt like she did not really like us. We assumed she was simply fascinated by the unique gifts each of us possessed. But just like magic, we all rubbed off on her, and she became a blend of the best parts of each of us. To explain, our friend group had five girls. A physics genius, a biology expert, a chemistry whiz, and Ava, a mathematician. Through association, she absorbed so much from us that she eventually became exceptional in all five subjects, something she once struggled with. This taught me a profound lesson. The influence of our ...


Nothing compares to the feeling of gifting yourself. Is it just me, or is there a unique satisfaction that comes with treating yourself? We often downplay our own worth, disregarding ourselves while upholding the standards of others so well. Today, I got myself something I really liked, and I was so excited. It made me pause and reflect, because for someone who loves gifting (as it is my love language), it's surprising how rarely I gift myself. But on this self-love journey, I’ve been learning and, more importantly, implementing. What’s the point of always searching for the perfect gift for a friend if you don’t put the same effort into doing the same for yourself? Like it or not, we can’t give what we don’t have. If I want to express love to the people around me, I must start by loving and cherishing myself first. A truly beautiful woman once told me that people admire her outward beauty, but her heart is even more beautiful than her face. I’ve always loved the confidence with whi...


"It's the appearance that we run from, not the thing itself." — Eric Gugua "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22) There's nothing fundamentally sinful or evil about anything. However, over time, based on certain factors, it can lead to evil. I stumbled upon a really insightful video on YouTube today, and it gave me an idea about why people ask questions. It's crazy, but if you notice, whenever we ask what is right or wrong, we simply want to know how much further we can go. This in itself is religious and wrong. A question like "Is this a bad thing?" is religious because you want a simple "Yes or No" answer. That answer will either justify what you were asking about or make you hold tight to a doctrine. I can't give you a yes or no answer because it doesn’t always apply. That’s why there is a grey side to black and white, or the edge of a coin. All things being equal, nothing is bad or wrong. But...


Yesss! You, do you fancy you? I've talked about this a couple of times, and I still will every chance I get. So, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and I asked him to name one thing he loves about himself, something he fancies about himself. Lo and behold, oga didn't have one. I was amazed that such a phenomenal mind didn’t have anything he admired about himself. I had to give him my view of him. I listed impressive things about him, qualities he didn’t even recognize as unique and great or probably sees as ordinary, normal, regular... Now, it’s not that he’s oblivious to these qualities. However, over the years, he has become so flaw-conscious that all he sees when he looks at himself are imperfections. Remember the Bible story of the man who was blind from birth, whom Jesus healed, comes to mind. At first, he saw men like trees walking, and only after Jesus touched his eyes again did he see clearly. His vision was inferior at first, not necessarily b...


"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due [its rightful recipients], when it is in your power to do it." — Proverbs 3:27 (AMP) One of the things I find unsettling is when rewards are withheld from people who deserve them. It’s so annoying, especially when it’s someone in power trying to oppress. The thing about being a leader is that you're there to serve. Being in power, at its core, is just glorified servitude. One time in school, I attended a debate competition. It was amazing, every debater was dishing out salient points. At the end of the debate, the judges took their time before finally deciding on the winner. To our greatest surprise, those who had performed poorly were declared the winners. It was hurtful—not because we didn’t win, but because the ones who supposedly won didn’t deserve it. We were happy to accept any position based on merit, given how well others performed. However, we left feeling sour simply because the rightful recipients w...

INSIGHTS FROM "When Love Vists"

Ladies and gentlemen, with this, we come to the end of the best love story I've ever read, best because of how utterly wholesome and healthy it was. This is the true definition of how beautiful this thing called love can be (lol). Anyway, let me not bore you with the details because I could go on and on about the storyline and plot twists. Here are some of the things that stood out to me the most: 1. I was thrilled by how they weren’t in a hurry to define things. These two literally felt the chemistry from day one—it was love at first sight. However, they took their time to see where the road would lead. And yes, I agree with Tade that the whole affair was divinely orchestrated. 😂 God had to be showing off because chance or coincidence couldn't be that hardworking.  Wo! It’s not enough to just feel, give it time. Go in slow motion. Love aside, this is very important. Take your time until you’re utterly convinced and sure before jumping into anything. 2. The couple ...


"Healing is often theoretical until we come in contact with the people who hurt us once again." — X I've always wondered how people know they've truly healed from situations or trauma because triggers can be tricky, you know. One time, I had gone through a whole process to heal from a particular hurt. After boasting about how well I'd healed, I came across something similar to the situation that had traumatized me. I froze! I was shaken! And in that moment, I realized I had only healed in my head. I had to face the practicality of it all. There's something I call theoretical knowledge versus practical knowledge. Both are knowledge, but one is more sufficient and reliable. Yesterday, when I went to cut my hair, a guy was retelling a story about an incident in his shop. He repairs faulty fans and other electrical appliances, and he had a particular customer who wanted to teach him his job simply because he had studied physics. Though the customer was...